Advocacy & Campaigns

Advocacy and campaigning for relevant causes in all spheres of human life have become increasingly important with a rise in inequalities and injustices worldwide.

They help raise awareness on critical issues (global and local), monitor policy, increase public accountability, mobilize political and social support for new legislation, and facilitate important conversations, among others.

At CDD-Ghana, the very core of our work hinges on research and advocacy because we believe that we can all meaningfully contribute to changing policy, practice, mindset, and behaviours through advocacy and campaigns.

Join us on this journey to promote good governance and inclusive development for both present and future generations.

Promoting the Rights of Marginalized Groups

The LGBTQ+ community in Ghana faces considerable challenges in their fundamental human rights as enshrined in Ghana’s 1992 Constitution. The widespread stigma, discrimination and hatred against the LGBTQ+ community trap them in closets and push them further away from essential information and services to protect their rights and health due to a lack of knowledge of the fundamental rights of LGBTQ+ and some members of the community.

There is the need to educate, inform and sensitize related minority groups to assert and enjoy their fundamental human rights, and encourage stakeholders to reduce the human rights violations meted out to the LGBTQ+ community and ensure inclusion.

Join this campaign, and let’s advance human rights for all.

Local Government Reforms and Election of MMDCEs

After an unsuccessful attempt in 2019 to amend Articles 55(3) and 243 of the Constitution to strengthen local governance in Ghana, there seems to be bi-partisan support for the election of Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) because the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in its 2020 manifesto re-affirmed its commitment to electing MMDCEs on partisan lines, while the National Democratic Congress’ (NDC) 2020 manifesto similarly committed the party to the idea of elected MMDCEs.

The year 2022 marks 34 years since the local government system was introduced in Ghana and 30 years since the 1992 Constitution was promulgated. After at least three decades of practicing the local government system and seeing the significant challenges the country still faces in delivering development to the doorstep of citizens, it is imperative we strengthen our resolve and commitment to reflect and redesign the current system to achieve better results. For millions of Ghanaian youth, this need for reengineering is essential to guarantee a prosperous and meaningful future.

The CSO Coalition on Local Government Reforms, with a membership of 29 CSOs and eight (8) individuals, is seeking to reset the agenda for the election of MMDCEs. It also aims to advocate for reforms to be undertaken by the State to address the challenges that have inhibited local governance from thriving to serve the needs of citizens and held back democratic consolidation.

You have the power to make a change. Get involved, have your say and let’s all contribute towards the development of our localities.

Join the campaign! Follow us on social media for more updates.


Instituted in 1999, Afrobarometer is a Pan-African, non-partisan survey research project that conducts...


CDD-Ghana established the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) in the year 2000...

Corruption Watch

It seeks to promote integrity in public life by demanding and activating responsiveness and accountability ...

D&G Bootcamp

The overall goal is to promote and deepen democratic consolidation, good governance...

Freedom Project

The overall goal is to promote and deepen democratic consolidation, good governance...

I Am Aware

The I AM AWARE project is CDD-Ghana’s non-partisan citizen empowerment campaign..


WAEON is an independent, non-partisan, and non-religious organization...

WAYLead Fellowship

The overall goal is to promote and deepen democratic consolidation, good governance...