
Democracy and Development Fellows

Our  Democracy and Development (D&D) Fellows program is designed to bring on board, short-term, (three months) to long-term (two years), scholars, researchers, consultants, and expert-practitioners, based in Ghana or in the diaspora, whose current work or sectoral area of interest, specialty, and expertise overlaps CDD-Ghana’s policy, research, and programmatic focus, and are interested in collaborating with CDD-Ghana to influence policy processes and outcomes through research and other common interests.

We currently have D&D Fellow positions in a range of research and policy fields, including health; education; urban governance; social protection; public financial management; public procurement; public corporate governance; natural resource governance; fiscal decentralization; public sector reform; gender and women’s empowerment; energy policy; public law and justice; party and campaign finance; youth policy; private sector development; technology and innovation; and sustainable agriculture and agri-business.


Instituted in 1999, Afrobarometer is a Pan-African, non-partisan survey research project that conducts...


CDD-Ghana established the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) in the year 2000...

Corruption Watch

It seeks to promote integrity in public life by demanding and activating responsiveness and accountability ...

D&G Bootcamp

The overall goal is to promote and deepen democratic consolidation, good governance...

Freedom Project

The overall goal is to promote and deepen democratic consolidation, good governance...

I Am Aware

The I AM AWARE project is CDD-Ghana’s non-partisan citizen empowerment campaign..


WAEON is an independent, non-partisan, and non-religious organization...

WAYLead Fellowship

The overall goal is to promote and deepen democratic consolidation, good governance...