Civil Society Organizations African Governance Platform Project

Project Name

Civil Society Organizations African Governance Platform Project


Two (2) years



Project Info

Key Activities

  1. Collaborate with Pan-Africa CSOs and AGP members to develop innovative and demand-driven survey modules on public awareness and support for the AGP agenda
  2. Implement two rounds of surveys in 35 countries for the data collection on democracy, governance, and human rights and new AGP-specific indicators
  3. Create a remote AGP platform to serve as an information clearinghouse for all aspects of the AGP agenda
  4. Publish in readable forms all documentation relevant to the AGP produced by AGP members and regional communities among others
  5. Prepare analyses of relevant new public opinion findings in accessible formats to share survey findings to promote advocacy and collaboration
  6. Produce policy briefs on implementation of AGP policies, progress, challenges, and key themes for publication on the Pan-African AGP platform and sharing among members
  7. Produce, publish and disseminate annual scorecard on the state of implementing decisions, recommendations, and resolutions
  8. Create strong linkages between Afrobarometer’s platform for sharing public experiences/evaluations and the Pan-African AGP platform.
  9. Sponsors, particularly youth and women participants from CSOs and AGP members to attend Afrobarometer summer schools for training in analysis and interpretation of data as well as mentor them to publish their work.
  10. Train a cadre of young policy actors and civic leaders across Africa to access, and use information gathered on the Pan-African AGP platform to engage in evidence-based advocacy and dialogue with the AGP
  11. Convene consultation and meetings aimed at sharing findings, developing strategies and tools for advocacy, improving collaboration and coordination, and engage with AGP and Agenda 2063
  12. Develop media campaigns to share findings among others to enhance and promote AGP
  13. Adopt a learning approach to project implementation by organizing annual review meetings to evaluate lessons to enhance project implementation



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