Enhancing Election Observation in West Africa

Project Name

Enhancing Election Observation in West Africa


Two Years


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Project Info

This project is supporting 13 citizens’ election observer groups from the West Africa sub-region under the platform of the West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) with the aim of building their capacity to enable them deploy enhanced observation tools to promote credible and acceptable election outcomes in the present phase of increasing application of technology by Election Management Bodies (EMBs).

It also seeks to enhance collaboration and information sharing among civil society organizations observing elections to promote peaceful and democratic elections in West Africa.

The overall goal of the project is to ‘strengthen the capacity of WAEON members to contribute to transparent and credible elections in the sub-region, through collaboration with relevant electoral stakeholders. More specifically, the project objectives are to:

  1. Increase the capacity of WAEON members and other electoral stakeholders to address issues that affect the credibility of elections in West Africa; and
  2. Deepen engagement and information sharing with civil society organizations, ECOWAS Electoral Assistance Division and ECONEC to foster strategic partnership

Key Activities

  • A two-day capacity building workshop for WAEON members and other election stakeholders on fighting fake news
  • A two-day symposium on the increasing role of legal interventions on elections
  • Development of capacity building materials on managing fake news/misinformation and election litigation
  • WAEON Executive Council and General Assembly Meetings
  • WAEON publications and information sharing within and among member organizations and with external stakeholders
  • Engagement with ECOWAS and ECONEC to foster strategic partnerships



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