I Am Aware

Project Name

I Am Aware


10 years


Hewlett Foundation

Project Info

‘I Am Aware’ is a non-partisan citizen empowerment tool that collects, analyzes, archives and disseminates user-friendly socio-economic data on the state of public goods and service delivery in Ghana. Its aim is to empower ordinary citizens, particularly the poor and vulnerable, and help improve their awareness and engagement with duty-bearers by providing them, free accessible and user-friendly information on the state of public goods and services delivery in Ghana. It also seeks to help strengthen public discourse around improvements in the quality of public goods and services delivery in Ghana.

This initiative offers citizens and the media free, accessible and user-friendly information on the state of public goods and service delivery in their respective districts/constituencies in order to strengthen the demand for accountability in Ghana. Armed with this handy information on the state of public service delivery in their respective districts/constituencies, citizens and the media are able to assess and evaluate the degree to which duty bearers are fulfilling their obligations to them.

It also provides policy analysts, relevant stakeholders, media, academic researchers, donors, and citizens with free and user-friendly data on the delivery of public goods and services to inform public debate and research.

Key Activities

  1. Fostering partnerships with advocacy organizations and the media
  2. Building capacity of project staff and staff of partner organizations
  3. Collecting performance data on Education, Health, Water, Agriculture, Sanitation, Roads and Security from relevant state institutions
  4. Measurement of results
  5. Dissemination and communication of data and results in user-friendly formats
  6. Building coalitions of active and empowered citizens



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