IPEP Tracker

Project Name

IPEP Tracker



Ford Foundation

Project Info

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) proposed the development of constituency-based infrastructure to stem poverty and promote inclusive economic development. The party promised in their 2016 elections manifesto to allocate an equivalent of $1 million dollars to each of the 275 constituencies to enhance their capital infrastructure base to accelerate growth, create jobs, and reduce poverty, particularly in rural and deprived communities. The government has taken steps to actualize the Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Program (IPEP) policy by setting up the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives (MSDI), the three (3) Development Authorities (DAs) with their governing Boards and the inter-Ministerial Oversight Committee. In addition, the government set up a t10-member ad-hoc committee to undertake constituency infrastructure needs assessment in all 275 constituencies. In 2018, the MSDI started with the procurement processes and embarked on infrastructure projects across all the constituencies.

CDD-Ghana’s IPEP Tracker project seeks to monitor the implementation of IPEP to ensure transparency and accountability of its implementation, strengthen the framework and performance of institutions set up to govern the program, and ensure efficiency, value for money, and good corporate management of public funds allocated to IPEP.

The project has the following objectives:

1. Strengthen the framework and performance of institutions set up to govern and manage the IPEP program.
2. Eliminate corruption and misuse of public resources by ensuring transparency and accountability in allocation, disbursement, expenditure, accounting, and auditing of public funds allocated and disbursed to IPEP.
3. Ensure efficient and good corporate management of public funds allocated to the IPEP program through sustained monitoring of the implementation of the IPEP program by CSOs.

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