Promoting the Rights of Marginalised Groups

Project Name

Promoting the Rights of Marginalised Groups



Project Info

The LGBTQ+ community in Ghana faces monumental challenges in their fundamental human rights as enshrined in Ghana’s 1992 Constitution. The Afrobarometer Round seven survey findings indicate that the overwhelming majority of Ghanaians (89%) dislike members of the LGBTQ+ community as neighbors. The widespread stigma, discrimination, and hatred against the LGBTQ+ community trap them in closets and push them further away from essential information and services to protect their rights and health. This has arisen due to a lack of knowledge of the basic rights of LGBTQ+ and some members of the community.

Owing to the inability of the LGBTQ+ community to assert and enjoy their rights as a result of the aforementioned reasons, this project seeks to educate, inform and sensitize related minority groups to assert and enjoy their fundamental human rights, as well as engage stakeholders such as chiefs, religious leaders, security agencies and the media to contribute towards reducing the human rights violations meted out to the LGBTQ+ community and ensure inclusion. This project will be undertaken in selected areas of the Greater Accra region.

The goals of this project include;

1. Reducing discrimination, stigma, and violence perpetrated against the LGBTQ+ community in Ghana by educating them on their constitutionally guaranteed human rights, educating the media and other stakeholders whose action endangers the lives of the LGBTQ+ community, and forming an LGBTQ+ solidarity group of intellectuals to advocate and defend their rights.
2. Educating the LGBTQ+ community on their fundamental human rights to build their capacity to assert, defend and enjoy their rights.

Key Activities

  1. Buy-in meeting towards the formation of pro-LGBTQ+ advocacy and solidarity groups.
  2. An educative empowerment workshop for 50 LGBTQ+ persons for a better appreciation of their constitutionally guaranteed human rights
  3. Sensitization workshop for 40 police officers aimed at getting their commitment to adopt a rights-based approach in dealing with LGBTQ+ persons.
  4. Engagement with religious groups to educate them on the fundamental human rights of LGBTQ+ persons to reduce if not end the abuses directed at them
  5. Bilingual engagement with media practitioners to better appreciate the fundamental rights of LGBTQ+ persons and how to report on LGBTQ+ issues
  6. Public sensitization and education on the rights of LGBTQ+ persons




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