Corruption Watch Ghana (CW)

Corruption Watch is a CDD-Ghana’s foremost anti-corruption campaign. It seeks to promote integrity in public life by demanding and activating the responsiveness and accountability of all actors in the anti-corruption space to ensure corruption cases are investigated, suspects prosecuted and stolen funds recovered.

The Goal

To goal is to make corruption risky and unattractive by closing opportunities which encourage corruption in Ghana, by sustaining citizen and media spotlight on corruption cases from exposure of corrupt cases and officials, to closure of the cases.

Partner Organizations

Joy FM, Adom FM, the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC), Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) and the Africa Center for International Law and Accountability (ACILA). Corruption Watch is supported by Strengthening Action Against Corruption (STAAC), a DFID program


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Corruption Watch

It seeks to promote integrity in public life by demanding and activating responsiveness and accountability ...

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